There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • I've been to several Nationals and every time I go I think, wow, look at all these like minded swimmers who put their time in the water to be physically fit. Granted there are all shapes and sizes. But, never do I think someone is juicing. I know there are lots of people taking supplements (i.e. P2Life) and I guess if that's someone's idea of juicing, I'd be guilty. Naturally, if your into fitness/working out/swimming, inherently, your probably eating better and taking care of yourself more. Thus, hopefully, we all do look better than our couch potato counterparts. But, the hardcore full PEDs, I believe, are extremely few and far between. What I find is great competition and friendly competitors. I look forward to more great Nationals and I won't be worried one ounce that someone else might be juicing. I'll just be focused on how I'm doing against the clock and hopefully I can find my way into the Top 10. Some years I do, some I don't. This seems to be an injury year thus I did not make Mesa. But, I so wanted to be there.
  • I've been to several Nationals and every time I go I think, wow, look at all these like minded swimmers who put their time in the water to be physically fit. Granted there are all shapes and sizes. But, never do I think someone is juicing. I know there are lots of people taking supplements (i.e. P2Life) and I guess if that's someone's idea of juicing, I'd be guilty. Naturally, if your into fitness/working out/swimming, inherently, your probably eating better and taking care of yourself more. Thus, hopefully, we all do look better than our couch potato counterparts. But, the hardcore full PEDs, I believe, are extremely few and far between. What I find is great competition and friendly competitors. I look forward to more great Nationals and I won't be worried one ounce that someone else might be juicing. I'll just be focused on how I'm doing against the clock and hopefully I can find my way into the Top 10. Some years I do, some I don't. This seems to be an injury year thus I did not make Mesa. But, I so wanted to be there.
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