There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • Not prevalent but I believe more common than many think. Most, I believe, as was pointed out on slowtwich forum, take it as anti-aging and therefore justify it. We have medicalized aging (everyone has "low T" at certain age). I think this observation is probably accurate, and it illustrates why testing would be such a not-worth-it nightmare at our level. Many people would assert medical exemptions, some for more-or-less normal aging but others relating to real disorders. Volunteer(s) would have to evaluate those exemptions, not to mention supervising sample collection. Who on earth wants either job, and do we really want anyone who does want either job actually to do it? Funny, the article mentions that someone looked at all the people in Mesa and assumed many of them are juicing. Because I agree with Kurt's observation, I find this statement especially funny. If I were on HRT, or maybe just a wee thyroid boost, I might not have gained 15 pounds around the middle in the last few years but I wouldn't look like a ripped figure competitor. I'd just look like the 35-year-old me. I definitely saw a lot of lean and muscular adults on deck in Mesa (some fast, some not) but nobody that I would have said based on looks alone, "can't be natural."
  • Not prevalent but I believe more common than many think. Most, I believe, as was pointed out on slowtwich forum, take it as anti-aging and therefore justify it. We have medicalized aging (everyone has "low T" at certain age). I think this observation is probably accurate, and it illustrates why testing would be such a not-worth-it nightmare at our level. Many people would assert medical exemptions, some for more-or-less normal aging but others relating to real disorders. Volunteer(s) would have to evaluate those exemptions, not to mention supervising sample collection. Who on earth wants either job, and do we really want anyone who does want either job actually to do it? Funny, the article mentions that someone looked at all the people in Mesa and assumed many of them are juicing. Because I agree with Kurt's observation, I find this statement especially funny. If I were on HRT, or maybe just a wee thyroid boost, I might not have gained 15 pounds around the middle in the last few years but I wouldn't look like a ripped figure competitor. I'd just look like the 35-year-old me. I definitely saw a lot of lean and muscular adults on deck in Mesa (some fast, some not) but nobody that I would have said based on looks alone, "can't be natural."
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