There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • Having been involved in several different sports at different levels as an adult, I'd be really wearing red-tinted glasses (or goggles as it were) if I were to say doping isn't happening in Masters swimming at some level. One sport I've competed in is Olympic-style weightlifting - it's all over the place there, at the obvious elite level down to garage weightlifters that just want to look better for Instagram. I also CrossFit - for a sport/activity that says it's all about health, there's a heck of a lot of vanity use there, not to mention people who have no concept of their actual athletic ability that think just some extra help will get them to the CF Games, and the ridiculous number of people who have to maintain appearances for their token supplement company sponsorship. Heck, I've known people highly suspected to be taking stuff to perform better in beer league softball. Me, I know I had my athletic glory days back in college. I see no reason to risk the side effects just for a little boost at a swim meet or whatever. Plus I am super gun-shy to risk any reaction with my UC or the drugs I take to manage that.
  • Having been involved in several different sports at different levels as an adult, I'd be really wearing red-tinted glasses (or goggles as it were) if I were to say doping isn't happening in Masters swimming at some level. One sport I've competed in is Olympic-style weightlifting - it's all over the place there, at the obvious elite level down to garage weightlifters that just want to look better for Instagram. I also CrossFit - for a sport/activity that says it's all about health, there's a heck of a lot of vanity use there, not to mention people who have no concept of their actual athletic ability that think just some extra help will get them to the CF Games, and the ridiculous number of people who have to maintain appearances for their token supplement company sponsorship. Heck, I've known people highly suspected to be taking stuff to perform better in beer league softball. Me, I know I had my athletic glory days back in college. I see no reason to risk the side effects just for a little boost at a swim meet or whatever. Plus I am super gun-shy to risk any reaction with my UC or the drugs I take to manage that.
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