Check with the hotel on what their non-discounted rates are for a greater room selection. They are often just minimally more.
It was over $100 more per night.
I thought it was the most perfect order I've ever seen. 1500, 800, 400, 200 back, 200 free. My best events all on separate days. See you in the 400!
Forget what I said about "perfect." From the meet info: "Swimmers may enter either the 800 or the 1500 free but not both."
what a completely insane friday for men
400 free
rest an entire 50
200 fly
100 free
I thought it was the most perfect order I've ever seen. 1500, 800, 400, 200 back, 200 free. My best events all on separate days. See you in the 400!
I tried to book at The Commons hotel( the host hotel) and the only rooms they had left at the USMS rate were the 2 double bed rooms. Is there a plan for USMS to add more rooms to the block(preferably with king size beds).
The Commons is adding rooms to the block as they are able to add. They are looking into adding King rooms. Should know by early next week if this is an option.
Booked my hotel and airfare. Now I am impatiently waiting for registration to open :waiting: I haven't been this excited for a meet since I planned to go to my first nationals at Indy a few years ago. :ohyeah: