Perhaps at some point in your swimming career, you fell short of achieving a goal and haven't lost that vision of finally reaching it. You're training harder than ever and ready to dive in that pool and finally accomplish this "unfinished business." If this could be your story, I want to talk to you. I'd also like to talk to swimmers using the nationals experience to prove something important to themselves. Maybe it's that you can come back after an injury or a difficult experience or the training and competition is helping you get your life back like the Pacific Trail journey did for Cheryl Strayed. SWIMMER readers love to hear a good story and yours could be the next one that inspires others!
If you'd like to participate, please send me a private message or email
I will conduct a short phone interview with you pre-meet, photos will be taken at the meet and we will do a wrap-up talk at the meet or afterward.
I have interviewed two swimmers so far with fabulous stories and still need some more. Come on ladies and gents. Please step up to the plate and tell me about the amazing swims you're going to do in Ohio!!!
My interview count is now up to three. If you want to participate, please email me at or find me at the event (preferably not when I'm behind the blocks preparing to race, thanks :)).
I have interviewed two swimmers so far with fabulous stories and still need some more. Come on ladies and gents. Please step up to the plate and tell me about the amazing swims you're going to do in Ohio!!!
My interview count is now up to three. If you want to participate, please email me at or find me at the event (preferably not when I'm behind the blocks preparing to race, thanks :)).