Swimming against your competion

I am not usually one to complain about swim meets, since I appreciate all the hard work that goes in to putting one on.... And I fully understand that this is the largest LCM Nationals in the history of Masters Swimming.... But really... Not being able to swim against your competition in the 200's??? This is not a local meet. This is the Nationals. The ONLY time I get to swim against my own age group. There needs to be a better solution.
  • I posted a poll about this in the swimming section forums.usms.org/showthread.php
  • I guess it brings me back to the point that the fastest person in an age group could end up swimming in lane 8 being swallowed up by swimmers 20 years younger.
  • I guess it brings me back to the point that the fastest person in an age group could end up swimming in lane 8 being swallowed up by swimmers 20 years younger.I believe at nationals they seed according to USMS 102.10.1.C “”It is recommended that when swimmers are seeded by time and not by age groups, the fastest two swimmers in each age group should not be seeded into outside lanes. It is recommended that they be moved inward one lane or given the center lanes in the next slowest heat, whichever is the more appropriate placement.” And if seeded by time, it is just as likely that the elder swimmer will be the swallower as the swallowee.
  • I guess it brings me back to the point that the fastest person in an age group could end up swimming in lane 8 being swallowed up by swimmers 20 years younger. Or, kicking the butts of some of the swimmers 20 years younger and feeling quite happy with the result. An 'outside smoke' is a thing of beauty and likely even more beautiful when you take down much younger swimmers. On the topic of lane 8 and lane 1, at least for Nationals, the pools we swim in are often of such quality that there's little to no disadvantage to these lanes. If you can get ahead of the swimmers in lane 2 or 7, you actually have 'cleaner' water. I think these lanes unnecessarily get a bad rap.
  • fast swimmers like swimming against other fast swimmers. yes, its great to swim against your age group when its an equal field. but hot shots like to be challenged. they want to be pushed. its a shame to spread the fastest swimmers in an event out into 3 different heats, especially if one of said fast swimmers destroys their age group heat.
  • EXAMPLE - MENS 200 FREE THIS WEEKEND there are 9 swimmers entered under a 204 between the ages of 18 and 49. yes, some dude in the 45-49 age group is entered at 203.00. they should all be in the same heat. 3 are 18-24, 1 is 25-29. 2 are 30-34, 0 35-39, 2 40-44. this is one of the neat things about masters for crying out loud - an 18 year old swimming against a 40 year old at nationals in a heat that should see all competitors between 156ish and 203ish. what a fantastic heat. that heat will force the young and old alike to step it up and charge hard. so leave it alone, its bad enough the sprints are ruined. dont ruin the rest of the events.
  • its my opinion that most masters swimmers are at meets not to win their age group, but to swim fast and better themselves, and race people, have fun. that is exactly what seeding by time does. if you win your age group, cool, but im sure their time is more important than the medal. you can win your age group without swimming in the same heat. but im sure all of you already knew that right?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    I too would prefer to swim against others in my own age group. I'm still "young" in the 25-29 age group but now that they have seeded everyone together in 200s+ regardless of age, I think I'm going to get stuck in lanes 1 or 2. If I had been seeded with my age group I'd be in one of the center lanes and be able to see my competition. Granted I may swim faster tomorrow having some of the younger stud swimmers in my heat, but Id still prefer to race against my own age group. This is the only meet that this gets to happen at and it's a shame that it won't happen for everyone at this National meet. I personally even enjoy watching the heats before me and seeing those standout performances by those swimmers who kill the competition in their age group. For me it's really inspiring and one of the reasons why I love Nationals. Those swimmers' accomplishments will definitely go under the radar and it's unfortunate.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Maybe only 10 lane pools should be considered for future LCM nationals? How many pools have 10 lanes for long course? Georgia Tech(which most people complained about for scy nationals) and the hall of fame pool have 10 long course lanes. Requiring 10 lanes for lcm nationals isn't a realistic option every year, unless usms wants to hold it at a limited number of venues.
  • I admit in my age group there is the "Rick Colella problem",that he is so much faster than everyone elseEvent 5 Men 60-64 200 LC Meter IM ================================================================== WORLD: W 2:30.05 6/13/2012 TIMOTHY SHEAD, USA NATL: N 2:30.05 6/13/2012 TIMOTHY SHEAD Name Age Club Seed Finals ================================================================== 1 Colella, Rick 62 PSM 2:30.00 2:23.10W :applaud: Great swim:cheerleader: 30.68 1:10.66 (39.98) 1:50.80 (40.14) 2:23.10 (32.30) 2 Kerns, Hubie 64 VCM 2:43.81 2:45.47 35.04 1:18.30 (43.26) 2:06.01 (47.71) 2:45.47 (39.46)