Omaha Pool

Former Member
Former Member
I just went to Greensboro for my first USMS nationals. I loved that there were two competition pools to keep things rolling. I'm curious how this will work in Omaha with the single pool. Will the days last longer or do fewer people typically compete in the summer? I realize it's not feasible to have two long course pools together but how will it affect the meet?
  • Whoa, I've never heard of any of those! That's crazy. Is there any speculation that attendance will be significantly higher this year given the trials connection? Speculation begins… NOW! For Greensboro I guessed 8675309 entries in the meet. The square root of my guess was still worse than anyone else’s guess. I promised to raise my game for Omaha. Rob Copeland suggested that I guess a Mersenne prime. I thought, wait… could it be…? So it turns out that 8675309 is a prime number, and it is a twin prime, and it is the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triple, but 2^8675309-1 is not a Mersenne prime. Sigh. That’s still pretty awesome though. So what can I do to top that? Nothing, right? The age of the universe in seconds is 15^15. Done and done. (Though if you guys want to forget about the caret and act like I just guessed 1515, I would have no problem with that :D) Additional reading for everyone except James:
  • Whoa, I've never heard of any of those! That's crazy. Is there any speculation that attendance will be significantly higher this year given the trials connection? Speculation begins… NOW! For Greensboro I guessed 8675309 entries in the meet. The square root of my guess was still worse than anyone else’s guess. I promised to raise my game for Omaha. Rob Copeland suggested that I guess a Mersenne prime. I thought, wait… could it be…? So it turns out that 8675309 is a prime number, and it is a twin prime, and it is the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triple, but 2^8675309-1 is not a Mersenne prime. Sigh. That’s still pretty awesome though. So what can I do to top that? Nothing, right? The age of the universe in seconds is 15^15. Done and done. (Though if you guys want to forget about the caret and act like I just guessed 1515, I would have no problem with that :D) Additional reading for everyone except James:
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