I received my Nationals Update email and wasn't sure about how the meet would be run. It said that "All events will be swum in two adjacent 10-lane courses (across the width of the pool)." Does this mean that the men's and women's events will be running concurrently? What will that do to our time between events? I have two days that I am swimming back to back events and am counting on the extra time of all the heats. I just want to grab as much rest as possible.
Rob Copeland answered the same question for me on another Nats. thread. Yes, the pool will be open until 7:00 PM, on Thursday. :D
Cool, thanks. And of course, moments later I got that question, and many others I didn't even know I had, answered in the latest update email!
Bummer. My buddy is in the heat right before me in three events. But that means we will be in different pools. How are we supposed to heckle eachother???
Use signals. Like this: :mooning:
Hmmm, is there anything in the rule book saying you would get banned for that?
Only one way to find out. During distance day would be a good time for a test. Not as many people around. Perhaps just prior to the start of Geek's 1650. Let us know how it goes!
Only one way to find out. During distance day would be a good time for a test. Not as many people around. Perhaps just prior to the start of Geek's 1650. Let us know how it goes!
:lmao: :rofl:
Well, That Guy, since you were the one with the, uhhh, interesting idea, perhaps you should give it a try sometime and let us know how it goes. ;)
As for me, I will still be on the road during the 1650, so I will have to leave it to one of the other Forumites to test the USMS rules. :cheerleader:
Use signals. Like this: :mooning:
102.12 Swimwear for Pool Competition...
"For men, the swimsuit shall not extend above the navel nor below the knees,..."
If :mooning: please make sure your swimwear does not extend below your knees.:blush:
102.12 Swimwear for Pool Competition...
"For men, the swimsuit shall not extend above the navel nor below the knees,..."
If :mooning: please make sure your swimwear does not extend below your knees.:blush:
Consider it done.
Bummer. My buddy is in the heat right before me in three events. But that means we will be in different pools. How are we supposed to heckle eachother???
102.12 Swimwear for Pool Competition...
"For men, the swimsuit shall not extend above the navel nor below the knees,..."
If :mooning: please make sure your swimwear does not extend below your knees.:blush:
Thank you, Rob, for the clarification. :D