Entries page for 2012 Nationals?

I feel a little silly saying this but I can't find an online entries page link for 2012 Spring Nationals?
  • I knew the price for Gold Sponsors was going up, but this is way too much. I imagine this will greatly decrease the number of sponsors they get. I have been a gold sponsor for many years, but this is more than I am willing to pay. Auburn's food offerings were pitiful and never available when I wasn't swimming, but still nice to have a room to get away from the action. Mesa was fine and wonderful to have a shady place.
  • I knew the price for Gold Sponsors was going up, but this is way too much. I imagine this will greatly decrease the number of sponsors they get. I have been a gold sponsor for many years, but this is more than I am willing to pay. Auburn's food offerings were pitiful and never available when I wasn't swimming, but still nice to have a room to get away from the action. Mesa was fine and wonderful to have a shady place.
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