2013 Nationals

I guess it's not official yet, but the Championships Committee meeting minutes suggest the 2013 short course meet will be in Indy and the long course meet will be in Mission Viejo. It was nice to see that for both meets there was actually a competition, with Austin also bidding for SC and San Antonio for LC. Indy and Mission look like good choice to me. What does everyone else think?
  • Double that! I haven't raced there since 1983, but trained there whenever I'm in Indy (not a lot these days). Still the best pool/facility IMHO in the US. I'll reserve judgment on Mission until this weekend has passed and I've competed there again. Plus, my attendance in 2013 will all depend upon timing. I'm really hoping for a mid to late August nationals?? I'm with you Wookie on preferring to train outside and race inside. I remember hearing on some Greensboro youtube clip that Indy almost got 2012 Nationals. When they had Summer Nationals in 2009, it was great. It won't be too long until we hear the 2013 Locations.
  • Double that! I haven't raced there since 1983, but trained there whenever I'm in Indy (not a lot these days). Still the best pool/facility IMHO in the US. I'll reserve judgment on Mission until this weekend has passed and I've competed there again. Plus, my attendance in 2013 will all depend upon timing. I'm really hoping for a mid to late August nationals?? I'm with you Wookie on preferring to train outside and race inside. I remember hearing on some Greensboro youtube clip that Indy almost got 2012 Nationals. When they had Summer Nationals in 2009, it was great. It won't be too long until we hear the 2013 Locations.
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