Staying Warm in Indoor Pool

I haven't competed indoors since I was 18, which was a bloody long time ago. I'm trying to decide whether to pack my swimming parka to stay warm or not. I am thinking without it I might be chilly. Any thoughts?
  • Your indian name is "Swims outdoors without Parka". tee hee. You are talking to the "Princess and the Pea of swim stuff". If you are driving, I suggest bringing your parka, as well as sweat bottoms, at least one t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and at least 4 towels. I also recommend taking a look at any ski/winter stuff that you have. I find that my ski jacket is warmer and more comfortable than my swim parka. I also have great ski gloves and just bought a headband, all of which I will double as indoor swim meet gear. Do you have Uggs or Ugg-like shoes or Ugg knockoffs? Bring those, too. And flip flops. There is nothing worse than sitting around an indoor pool with a sopping wet butt, wet neck, and wet towels, and having to ration the remaining dryness of your clothing/towel use. If you are going to the car mid-meet anyway, then switch out for dry towels, dry bottoms, and a dry t-shirt. Depending on the length of the meet, ditto for extra suits. No sense sitting around in a clammy swimsuit when you can just wear a dry one between your long breaks.
  • Your indian name is "Swims outdoors without Parka". tee hee. You are talking to the "Princess and the Pea of swim stuff". If you are driving, I suggest bringing your parka, as well as sweat bottoms, at least one t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and at least 4 towels. I also recommend taking a look at any ski/winter stuff that you have. I find that my ski jacket is warmer and more comfortable than my swim parka. I also have great ski gloves and just bought a headband, all of which I will double as indoor swim meet gear. Do you have Uggs or Ugg-like shoes or Ugg knockoffs? Bring those, too. And flip flops. There is nothing worse than sitting around an indoor pool with a sopping wet butt, wet neck, and wet towels, and having to ration the remaining dryness of your clothing/towel use. If you are going to the car mid-meet anyway, then switch out for dry towels, dry bottoms, and a dry t-shirt. Depending on the length of the meet, ditto for extra suits. No sense sitting around in a clammy swimsuit when you can just wear a dry one between your long breaks.
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