2012 Spring Nationals

OK, now that Spring Nationals are over for 2011 (sounds like the hosts did a FANTASTIC job!!!!!), it's time to turn our attention (or at least mine) to Greensboro, NC. Who is going? Who wants to grudge? I will be there ready to rock and roll in the 50,100,200 Free, 50,100 Fly and some random 6th event that I'm not sure of right now. I'll be aging out of the dreaded 40-44 into the easier and much less competitive 45-49...........oh wait.......craaaaaaaaaaap. Look forward to seeing all of you there!!!!
  • Did the answer change in the hour between when you answered me and answered Geek? How can running the meet with two 11 lane courses be partially correct? My guess is some events will use 11 lanes (i.e. - 1000 and 1650) allowing for people to enter both. That's just my guess.
  • My guess is some events will use 11 lanes (i.e. - 1000 and 1650) allowing for people to enter both. That's just my guess. My comment about 10 lanes was a direct cut and paste from a June 15 post of mine. Sorry for the confusion. You asked if the decision had been made so I was simply reminding people that the decision wasn't going to be made until entries closed. Geek is smarter than he looks :D Yes, the current plan is 11 lanes for the distance day and then 8 or 10 lanes for the other days. I still plan to write all of this out but just haven't had the time. Thanks for your patience. Jeff
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Has the widths vs bulk heads question been answered somewhere yet? ...the entry deadline will be March 23. Seeding decisions are expected to be made by April 13. Seeding decisions will include which courses will be used. I was at a meet this past weekend and hear they will be running two 11 lane courses at Greensboro. Is that true? That is partially correct. Did the answer change in the hour between when you answered me and answered Geek? How can running the meet with two 11 lane courses be partially correct?
  • 11 lanes is just so unnatural! Other "unnatural" pools that I've seen: Mount Hood Community College Gresham, Oregon 50 Meter pool, 9 lanes Pasco, Washington has a 50 Meter pool with 7 lanes
  • I am posting to answer some of the questions about the 2012 Spring Nationals competition courses in Greensboro. It is anticipated we will use two side by side 11 lane courses for the distance day (Thursday). The 50m pool is 24 lanes wide and two bulkheads will separate the two courses (the two bulkheads take up 2 lanes in the middle). Then on Friday-Saturday-Sunday we will use two 10 lane courses (very outside lane from each course will be vacant). We can consider running two 8 lane courses (two lengthwise courses like we did in Atlanta) if entries are lower than anticipated (i.e. the projected timeline with 8 lane courses is manageable). So unless Fortress enters the 1000 or 1650, she cannot get a wall lane! USMS Championship Committee policy is to only allow swimmers to enter both distance events (800/1000 and 1500/1650) if one of two criteria is met: there is an available third course (or an available second course for long course), or the meet is a 5 day format (when 2009-Indy had a 5 day format the extra day was for the distance relays so that took the place of the individual distance event double option). We realize it is not ideal to swim both of the distance events on the same day, but with a 4 day format it’s the only viable option (five day format can allow the distance events to be on separate days). Clovis (2009) offered both distance events because they had an available third course. However, entries were low enough that they only needed to utilize two of those courses but the key factor was they had a third course if needed. To my knowledge before Clovis you had to go back to Fort Lauderdale (1995) for the next time swimmers could enter both distance events at short course Nationals. For Summer Nationals, Mission Viejo (2005) had a 5 day format and allowed both distance events. In 2013 they will offer a 5 day format and will again offer the option to swim both distance events (on separate days). The good news – because of the unique opportunity to offer 22 lanes of competition in Greensboro, 2012 Spring Nationals will offer the opportunity for swimmers to enter both distance events on Thursday (provided you meet the NQT in at least one of them). We feel that the extra lanes are almost equivalent to an extra competition course and as such the extra entries can be accommodated (fingers crossed!). The full meet information will come out in the January/February issue of SWIMMER and also be released to the USMS website on or about January 1. But I thought it would be nice to put a little something under the tree for the distance swimmers now since it is official. Jeff
  • The good news – because of the unique opportunity to offer 22 lanes of competition in Greensboro, 2012 Spring Nationals will offer the opportunity for swimmers to enter both distance events on ThursdayThanks, Jeff. The folks at GAC clearly have built a great facility and we appreciate this approach. This is sound progress for the hitherto discriminated distance swimmers. Geek is going to send you all kinds of love.
  • Geek is going to send you all kinds of love. I don't think I have a 1000 and a 1650 in me on the same day.
  • Thanks, Jeff. The folks at GAC clearly have built a great facility and we appreciate this approach. This is sound progress for the hitherto discriminated distance swimmers. Geek is going to send you all kinds of love. Now, we just did a distance day on the weekend day. Distance swimmers always have to take a day off from work to do their "core" events. I understand that more people swim the sprints. Yeah! Yeah!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I don't think I have a 1000 and a 1650 in me on the same day. Is that a training problem, attitude problem or both?