I'm NOT the sandbagger...I should be hitting my times if all goes as planned. I'll wait for the trash talking till afterwards!
RIGHT ON! That's the spirit.
Why guess...just swim. (Is that why some of your seeded times look fast...:bolt:) No one has "the suits". I have my suit, you have your suit!! Just Swim! :) See ya next week at PNAs
I used my PB times from last fall, but I haven't been able to hit them since. Hopefully, by Nationals, I will! No matter; I'm towards the bottom of my age group, anyway, so nobody will be paying much attention. :blush:
Hey, I noticed Janet Evans is not going to be at Nationals afterall. :badday:
Why guess...just swim. (Is that why some of your seeded times look fast...:bolt:)
Easy for you to say since you don't have "suited" times. For those of us who do we needed to decide whether to use those times or something that may be more realistic. In my case I used my times from last year's PNAs in the events I swam there. I was suited, but not tapered. For the other events I went back to my times from 2009 Nationals (before the super suits). All my seed times are times in the USMS database, but not necessarily my fastest times.
I just wanted to let geek and wook know that I just got my Swimmer magazine. Because I've never met you, I didn't know what you looked like. You guys are adorable. :agree:
must resist the urge to comment.... oh hell, if you spent time doing speed training instead of training for a 6 hour postal swim then you would be with them. But no, mr. slow itch is afraid to develop a 6 beat kick cause it hurts his straw legs or move his arms faster than a 1.5 tempo because he might actually enjoy shorter distances, then you would be with those fast guys.
Let me remind you of the immortal words of the author of the world's hottest swimming blog. He said, "Your two beat kick is a thing of utter beauty, more beautiful than rainbows and unicorns and puppy dogs."
So, shove it, furdingle!
I just wanted to let geek and wook know that I just got my Swimmer magazine. Because I've never met you, I didn't know what you looked like. You guys are adorable. :agree:
Thanks Karen. I must tell the truth about the photo, the Swimmer Staff had to do some airbrushing on Geek's photo. One of the staff members told me that they had to insert most of his teeth, straighten out his nose, insert some hair so that he wouldnt't be bald on top and elimnate the wad of snuff in his mouth.
According to the staffer, they spend several hours making his photo magazine ready.
Yeah Karen, I was going to mention a magazine doesn't always do justice. Wait 'till you meet 'em in real life, then you can provide us with an upfront comment spoken from true experience.
Let me remind you of the immortal words of the author of the world's hottest swimming blog. He said, "Your two beat kick is a thing of utter beauty, more beautiful than rainbows and unicorns and puppy dogs."I never said this. :bolt: