Nationals T-Shirt

Do you know if there are any extra T-shirts or caps from Nationals that I could purchase? I'd love to get one for my Dad for Father's Day. Thanks!
  • Do you know if there are any extra T-shirts or caps from Nationals that I could purchase? I'd love to get one for my Dad for Father's Day. Thanks! They were selling left over Lg and XLg shirts in the hallway for $5(!!!) after the meet ended. I wasn't going to buy a shirt for $18; especially since I don't wear men's style t-shirts, but, for $5, I couldn't resist buying one for my husband to wear. This way, when he wears it, I get to enjoy the logo! :D Contact them and see if they have any shirts leftover for the $5 price...
  • Do you know if there are any extra T-shirts or caps from Nationals that I could purchase? I'd love to get one for my Dad for Father's Day. Thanks! They were selling left over Lg and XLg shirts in the hallway for $5(!!!) after the meet ended. I wasn't going to buy a shirt for $18; especially since I don't wear men's style t-shirts, but, for $5, I couldn't resist buying one for my husband to wear. This way, when he wears it, I get to enjoy the logo! :D Contact them and see if they have any shirts leftover for the $5 price...
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