Anyone know if there were any issues with time entries to the SWIMS database? I just looked and my swims that I requested to be entered are not listed. It's only been 2 weeks but...
I am thinking of getting my 800 split of my 1500 into the SWIMS Database. Has anyone done this at Masters Nationals before? Or, is it just too much to ask the meet director? But, I am requesting an 800 split for Top Ten purposes so it can't be that much of a hassle. It is weird how it seems that lately I have been tapering for Masters meet so I can qualify for tougher USA-S meets.
I am thinking of getting my 800 split of my 1500 into the SWIMS Database. Has anyone done this at Masters Nationals before? Or, is it just too much to ask the meet director? But, I am requesting an 800 split for Top Ten purposes so it can't be that much of a hassle. It is weird how it seems that lately I have been tapering for Masters meet so I can qualify for tougher USA-S meets.