Psyche Sheets?

Not to sound impatient here... Just wondering how long it generally takes for psyche sheets be posted after the entry deadline?
  • The point is I think a lot of people from the East Coast found the effort to get there not worth the return. Isn't that a decision that every swimmer needs to make for themselves regardless of the location? There has been a lot of discussion about Nationals being held in less than desirable locations. I've made a couple of comments along that line in jest myself. But the fact is that when only ONE group submits a bid, then what are the options? Case in point is 2010 LCM Nats. Some folks have already express attitudes of 'you couldn't pay me to go to PR and swim', hey it's a personal choice. But if folks are unhappy about the locations of Nationals, then step the heck up and help to put together a bid at a location that you do consider desirable.
  • So, get your Providence sh*t together and place a bid to host the event. It takes that and some work to put the entire package together. At least the Fresno folks are willing to put out the real effort and host. Maybe just some (not all) of the east coasters are a little lazy and would rather sit at their computer and dis far off lands? Also, I think we discussed this before, but my impression is that the lack of Northeast nationals has a lot more to do with location requirements than people's unwillingness to put forth effort. I don't think we were able to come up with a pool that had room for two courses and ample warmdown.
  • Isn't that a decision that every swimmer needs to make for themselves regardless of the location? There has been a lot of discussion about Nationals being held in less than desirable locations. I've made a couple of comments along that line in jest myself. But the fact is that when only ONE group submits a bid, then what are the options? Case in point is 2010 LCM Nats. Some folks have already express attitudes of 'you couldn't pay me to go to PR and swim', hey it's a personal choice. But if folks are unhappy about the locations of Nationals, then step the heck up and help to put together a bid at a location that you do consider desirable. Yeah, and that was my point. If you look back, I was saying why I think a lot of fast people (a group in which I don't include myself but does comprise a number of my teammates) decided not to go, you know, personally, individually. And I think, honestly, being far from major airports (and thus requiring a transfer or a long drive) was an even bigger deciding factor. I don't love Seattle either, but we went cause it was easy enough to fly into. And Puerto Rico is a good comparison, as well. What do you think the East/West split on that will be? Does that make the West Coasters who stay home jerks who should put on their very own show? Or only the ones who say out loud they don't want to go because the location is incovenient?
  • "Wish you were all going to be there!" I know for myself, on a coaches salary, I can't go to every nationals. But I am a bit of a swim meet geek... And I would always go if possible, just because its' our USMS National Championships. You know... in support of my sport.
  • ... I also think some people (like me) just don't go to Nats every year because of scheduling/kids conflicts or because they only attend one Nats (SCY or LC). ... Right on. My absolute favorite pool in the world is Indianapolis, but I just can't swing the schedule to make it there this summer. Honestly, I think location is a lot of it. Imagine if Nationals were in Providence (which is actually a much more pleasant city than Fresno--and easier to drive to from major airports). ... Very true, but the host of reasons are so numerous that you're never going to get consensus. For some, it's travel distance/cost; for others, it's the city itself; for others, the pool. And on and on. As an example, Atlanta should be packed because it's easy to get to from most places with a direct flight and has a great pool. That might be enough for me to overcome my dislike of the city. :) ...And Puerto Rico is a good comparison, as well. ... I don't think this will be a fair comparison because of Worlds in Sweden right beforehand. I doubt many people can/will do both, but I would imagine Sweden would be more attractive (not more affordable, for sure). I'm a travel junky and really want to go to Sweden, but, again, that conflicts with my daughters' big summer meets. So, unless our kids' school starts before Puerto Rico nationals are over, I'll be there. Otherwise, I'll go another summer swimming few if any LCM meets.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Honestly, I think location is a lot of it. Imagine if Nationals were in Providence (which is actually a much more pleasant city than Fresno--and easier to drive to from major airports). For East Coasters it is a little out of the way, but not so hard to get to. From Oregon or Arizona? It would be a total b*tch. And so almost no East Coasters want to go -- the only person from my team going is from out there and has a wedding the same weekend. Excuse me?? Have you ever been here?
  • "Wish you were all going to be there!" I know for myself, on a coaches salary, I can't go to every nationals. But I am a bit of a swim meet geek... And I would always go if possible, just because its' our USMS National Championships. You know... in support of my sport. In theory, I'd like to go to every nationals to compete and support my sport too!! In reality, like Patrick, it is difficult for me to get away for 4-5 days. Once a year or every other year is about it for me for awhile. So I attend mostly local meets or do quickie getaways. I'm sure Clovis will host a fabulous meet with loads of fast swimming. Does anyone really expect to be pleased about meet locations all the time? I wouldn't think so ... And deciding which meet(s) to attend is just dependent on so many individual factors. (Like my own inability to tolerate the pollen and strange vegetation on the west coast ... :D)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I suppose the fact that I've attended USMasters Nats in Grand Forks, North Dakota and Canadian Nats in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (a good while ago) speaks to my willingness to venture on the swimming path less travelled on occasion. I think the casual slanging of some host cities who are prepared to put out the very large effort to host a Nats is a result of today's consumerist attitude in reacting strongly against the inconvenient rather than acknowledging membership in a community of swimmers and clubs that spans a very large geographic area and cannot always (especially in one-bid situations) please all of the people all of the time.
  • Honestly, I think location is a lot of it. Imagine if Nationals were in Providence (which is actually a much more pleasant city than Fresno--and easier to drive to from major airports). For East Coasters it is a little out of the way, but not so hard to get to. From Oregon or Arizona? It would be a total b*tch. And so almost no East Coasters want to go -- the only person from my team going is from out there and has a wedding the same weekend. So, get your Providence sh*t together and place a bid to host the event. It takes that and some work to put the entire package together. At least the Fresno folks are willing to put out the real effort and host. Maybe just some (not all) of the east coasters are a little lazy and would rather sit at their computer and dis far off lands?
  • I'll let you know when I get back for sure, but I've heard that the area is really quite nice. Near the giant redwoods and Yosemite as well. How could it be ugly? A very swimming friendly community too. I agree with Jim in the sense that we have to be so grateful for these organizations who step up and host the masters meets - large and small. It is a lot of work. You might say that its all about the money for them, but it isn't. While its true the very large championship meets can be profitable, it takes a team of folks who love and are willing to serve the sport and its athletes to pull off these events. I just crack up every time I read Kevin's "FRESNOID" name here :) Central California is kinda like the mid-west... the people are all so nice! So what? There are going to be nearly 1600 master swimmers swimming fast and having a great time in Clovis. Wish you were all going to be there!