Isn't that a decision that every swimmer needs to make for themselves regardless of the location?
There has been a lot of discussion about Nationals being held in less than desirable locations. I've made a couple of comments along that line in jest myself. But the fact is that when only ONE group submits a bid, then what are the options? Case in point is 2010 LCM Nats. Some folks have already express attitudes of 'you couldn't pay me to go to PR and swim', hey it's a personal choice. But if folks are unhappy about the locations of Nationals, then step the heck up and help to put together a bid at a location that you do consider desirable.
Yeah, and that was my point. If you look back, I was saying why I think a lot of fast people (a group in which I don't include myself but does comprise a number of my teammates) decided not to go, you know, personally, individually. And I think, honestly, being far from major airports (and thus requiring a transfer or a long drive) was an even bigger deciding factor. I don't love Seattle either, but we went cause it was easy enough to fly into.
And Puerto Rico is a good comparison, as well. What do you think the East/West split on that will be? Does that make the West Coasters who stay home jerks who should put on their very own show? Or only the ones who say out loud they don't want to go because the location is incovenient?
Isn't that a decision that every swimmer needs to make for themselves regardless of the location?
There has been a lot of discussion about Nationals being held in less than desirable locations. I've made a couple of comments along that line in jest myself. But the fact is that when only ONE group submits a bid, then what are the options? Case in point is 2010 LCM Nats. Some folks have already express attitudes of 'you couldn't pay me to go to PR and swim', hey it's a personal choice. But if folks are unhappy about the locations of Nationals, then step the heck up and help to put together a bid at a location that you do consider desirable.
Yeah, and that was my point. If you look back, I was saying why I think a lot of fast people (a group in which I don't include myself but does comprise a number of my teammates) decided not to go, you know, personally, individually. And I think, honestly, being far from major airports (and thus requiring a transfer or a long drive) was an even bigger deciding factor. I don't love Seattle either, but we went cause it was easy enough to fly into.
And Puerto Rico is a good comparison, as well. What do you think the East/West split on that will be? Does that make the West Coasters who stay home jerks who should put on their very own show? Or only the ones who say out loud they don't want to go because the location is incovenient?