Anyone know if they're going to be using reaction time pads? They were used at Portland but were not included in the results.
And LOVE all the trees. Oh wait.......
No, reaction pads will not be used. We do not have enough for 2 competition courses.
Regarding trees, the area was open pastures and farmland before the school was built. I circled in white where the pools are now located.
I know a number of towns around the Valley either building or that have built new pools in the last 3-5 years. The pools themselves are good quality and a great update of existing facilities that date back 30 or 40 years plus. But shade is an issue that seems to rarely be addressed - odd for an area in which summer temps generally get above 100!
Hi there, Fresnoid...back a few years in Coral Springs the host club offered reserved shade in good viewing seats for a price. We loved that. Our club picked up a block of reserved shaded bleachers for like $200. Any chance Clovis Swim Team will offer the same?? We'd bite.
You will be able to wear those high-tech suits in Clovis. FINA's new list of approved suits will be out at the end of May. See Craig Lord's article at: