2010 SCY Nationals

Hey, how about we start a thread about the proposed 2010 SCY Nationals. Wait, I just did that! OK, it looks like Georgia Tech submitted a bid to host this meet. Any other bidders?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I have looked into some local swim meets for qualifying. Does anyone know what requirements there are to having a valid qualifying time? Do meets have to be USMS sanctioned? What if I swim in a USASwimming meet that has an "open" category? What about a local developmental meet? Do I have to be a USMS member when I obtain the time or can I register later? How long is a time good for (i.e. when can I obtain a national time for 2010?)? This post will probably answer your questions: Qualifying for Nationals - U.S. Masters Swimming Discussion Forums
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I have looked into some local swim meets for qualifying. Does anyone know what requirements there are to having a valid qualifying time? Do meets have to be USMS sanctioned? What if I swim in a USASwimming meet that has an "open" category? What about a local developmental meet? Do I have to be a USMS member when I obtain the time or can I register later? How long is a time good for (i.e. when can I obtain a national time for 2010?)? This post will probably answer your questions: Qualifying for Nationals - U.S. Masters Swimming Discussion Forums
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