2009 LCM Nationals in Indy (IUPUI)

OK, I don't have a life...I am already stoked about swimming in the IUPUI pool next August. I think I am one of the few (former) midwesterners who has not swum in that facility. Have always wanted to go to Nationals there but something always came up. Not in 2009!!! A bunch of us from Arizona are already planning on going. Yes, even Jeff (Short Course) Commings is going to be a part of this meet! It should be a fun and fast event. Digging the all relay day on Saturday, good job Mel and Kris! Anybody else stoked?
  • Great, the sprint backstrokes are not even on that list. Nor are fly-back doubles listed. Perhaps that's why I'm always getting screwed on the order of events and the 50 back is always dead last at Nats. Nice. No matter, I feel no need to attend Nats or any other meet that is inhospitable to my kind. :mooning: I guess Jeff Commings' prediction that, as the importance of the SDK increases, the fly-back combo will become increasingly more common is just flat out wrong for masters.
  • Great, the sprint backstrokes are not even on that list. Nor are fly-back doubles listed. Perhaps that's why I'm always getting screwed on the order of events and the 50 back is always dead last at Nats. Nice. No matter, I feel no need to attend Nats or any other meet that is inhospitable to my kind. :mooning: I guess Jeff Commings' prediction that, as the importance of the SDK increases, the fly-back combo will become increasingly more common is just flat out wrong for masters. Clearly we need to get rid of the IMers.
  • I'll bet beers with anyone that Fort will never have a meet that she doesn't complain about a ton prior to the meet. :thhbbb:
  • I'll bet beers with anyone that Fort will never have a meet that she doesn't complain about a ton prior to the meet. :thhbbb: A bet can only occur when there is uncertainty about the outcome. In this case, you're just trying to get free beer. :thhbbb:
  • I'll bet beers with anyone that Fort will never have a meet that she doesn't complain about a ton prior to the meet. :thhbbb: And I'll bet beers that hell will freeze over before the 5 pack freestylers don't have their events spread perfectly over the course of a meet. :thhbbb: Or how about a Zone meet with the 100 fly and 100 free back to back? What, you've never had to do that?! :thhbbb: I swam the 100 back once last year in SCY because it was always back to back with another fly event. Oh, yeah, that happened at LCM Zones too ... Not hours of rest there, that's for sure. More like minutes. Seriously, the fly-back swimmers always take it on the chin. If the pain were spread around more evenly, I wouldn't complain. When it's always the same, it gets discouraging and annoying. Right now, my plan is to swim in junior and senior champs with the kids next summer unless the order of events is changed. Paying a lot of money to swim 3 of my best events back to back on the last day of a long travel meet doesn't sound like a good plan. :shakeshead: And ragging on me will not change my mind. Don't know if enough of my teammates will even go for relays, Muppet.
  • Um, 50 free and 50 back are not back to back, Dana. (My other good event separates them.) I'm irritated that all 3 are back to back on the last day. I know you probably get enough rest at Nats if you have two. I have the same problem at other big meets as well, however, where you do NOT get enough rest. If they're just rotating the same 3 orders of events, maybe they should think about changing the 3 possibilities every once in awhile. Boo hoo on the 1500. 50 free is very often the last event of a meet too. And 50 back (my best event) is at the very end here (and was in Austin and will be in Clovis too --- WTF, 3 national meets in a row?!). They're not great events to have last either when you're dead tired. Sprinting is exhausting too. Just not inspired to drop mega dollars on that.
  • I'll just need to get there in time to see if the piano drops on Michelle on the lst 50 of the 200 free!!:bliss: No, we have prior evidence that she prefers it be delivered at about the 110 meter mark.
  • Fort, we had fun in Portland without you. We can have fun in Indy without you. HOWEVER, bail on that damn 100 fly. The 50 is better. The 6th event very well may get dropped anyway. So make the middle one of the three your 6th event. You will get rest so what if it is your last day of the meet you will be well rested from not having swum much the three days or two or whatever before. I'll even let you kick my *** up one side of the pool and down the other on the 100 fly again.
  • Fort, we had fun in Portland without you. We can have fun in Indy without you. Have fun. :wave::wave:
  • Fort, I understand how you feel. That Sunday order just sucks. I'm not happy about 50 Free and 100 Fly being back to back. Why could they not put the 50 back as the first event after the 400? Or even the 50 Free? Wow, imagine that 50 Free EARLY in the day??? Oh wait....can't have that as evidenced by Austin and Portland. With a 30 minute warmup after the 400, even folks who want to swim the 400/50 combo should be fine. Is this order for Sunday _that_ bad? 400 Free (men) Break 50 Back/Free 200 *** 100 Fly 50 Free/Back 200 IM I know it's hard pleasing everyone but can there at least be some sort of long term fairness for event orders? Having three events in a row is just impossible to do well, even at Nats.