2009 LCM Nationals in Indy (IUPUI)

OK, I don't have a life...I am already stoked about swimming in the IUPUI pool next August. I think I am one of the few (former) midwesterners who has not swum in that facility. Have always wanted to go to Nationals there but something always came up. Not in 2009!!! A bunch of us from Arizona are already planning on going. Yes, even Jeff (Short Course) Commings is going to be a part of this meet! It should be a fun and fast event. Digging the all relay day on Saturday, good job Mel and Kris! Anybody else stoked?
  • For some reason the file will not upload. Here is the data: Meet Format Questionnaire Responses Event "Doubles" swimmers do not want to see back-to-back. Ranked in order of total responses Rank, Double, Response, Percent of respondents 1, 200 Fly & 400 IM, 26, 11.56% 2, 200 Br & 400 IM, 12, 5.33% 3, 200 Fly & 4/500 Fr, 10, 4.44% 4, 200 Bk & 400 IM, 8, 3.56% 5, 50 Fly & 100 Fr, 8, 3.56% 6, 100 IM & 100 Fr, 7, 3.11% 7, 100 Fly & 100 Fr, 7, 3.11% 8, 100 IM & 50 Fr, 6, 2.67% 9, 200 Fly & 200 IM, 6, 2.67% 10, 200 Br & 200 IM, 6, 2.67% 11, 200 Fr & 200 Fly, 5, 2.22% 12, 100 Fr &200 Fly, 5, 2.22% 13, 50 Fr & 100 Fly, 5, 2.22% 14, 100 Br &100 Fly, 5, 2.22% There were about 100 additional responses that were less popular (or more popular, depending on your frame of reference).
  • For some reason the file will not upload. Here is the data: Meet Format Questionnaire Responses Event "Doubles" swimmers do not want to see back-to-back. Ranked in order of total responses Rank, Double, Response, Percent of respondents 1, 200 Fly & 400 IM, 26, 11.56% 2, 200 Br & 400 IM, 12, 5.33% 3, 200 Fly & 4/500 Fr, 10, 4.44% 4, 200 Bk & 400 IM, 8, 3.56% 5, 50 Fly & 100 Fr, 8, 3.56% 6, 100 IM & 100 Fr, 7, 3.11% 7, 100 Fly & 100 Fr, 7, 3.11% 8, 100 IM & 50 Fr, 6, 2.67% 9, 200 Fly & 200 IM, 6, 2.67% 10, 200 Br & 200 IM, 6, 2.67% 11, 200 Fr & 200 Fly, 5, 2.22% 12, 100 Fr &200 Fly, 5, 2.22% 13, 50 Fr & 100 Fly, 5, 2.22% 14, 100 Br &100 Fly, 5, 2.22% There were about 100 additional responses that were less popular (or more popular, depending on your frame of reference).
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