OK, I don't have a life...I am already stoked about swimming in the IUPUI pool next August. I think I am one of the few (former) midwesterners who has not swum in that facility. Have always wanted to go to Nationals there but something always came up.
Not in 2009!!!
A bunch of us from Arizona are already planning on going. Yes, even Jeff (Short Course) Commings is going to be a part of this meet! It should be a fun and fast event. Digging the all relay day on Saturday, good job Mel and Kris!
Anybody else stoked?
Is this order for Sunday _that_ bad?
400 Free (men)
50 Back/Free
200 ***
100 Fly
50 Free/Back
200 IM
I know it's hard pleasing everyone but can there at least be some sort of long term fairness for event orders? Having three events in a row is just impossible to do well, even at Nats.
It's rough but do-able. I will do the 200BR and 200IM but forgo the 100FL. That means an extra day in Indy but I will fly out early Monday morning. Boy is that going to be a painful/tired flight back to Phoenix...
On the good news side, Mark Gill won't get worked by me in the 100FL. He escapes my wrath again for another year :laugh2:
Is this order for Sunday _that_ bad?
400 Free (men)
50 Back/Free
200 ***
100 Fly
50 Free/Back
200 IM
I know it's hard pleasing everyone but can there at least be some sort of long term fairness for event orders? Having three events in a row is just impossible to do well, even at Nats.
It's rough but do-able. I will do the 200BR and 200IM but forgo the 100FL. That means an extra day in Indy but I will fly out early Monday morning. Boy is that going to be a painful/tired flight back to Phoenix...
On the good news side, Mark Gill won't get worked by me in the 100FL. He escapes my wrath again for another year :laugh2: