OK, I don't have a life...I am already stoked about swimming in the IUPUI pool next August. I think I am one of the few (former) midwesterners who has not swum in that facility. Have always wanted to go to Nationals there but something always came up.
Not in 2009!!!
A bunch of us from Arizona are already planning on going. Yes, even Jeff (Short Course) Commings is going to be a part of this meet! It should be a fun and fast event. Digging the all relay day on Saturday, good job Mel and Kris!
Anybody else stoked?
I think you'll find that the city has changed dramatically since the mid 80's. They have the NCAA Hall of Fame, a canal walk through the center of the city, good museums, small but nice zoo, botanical gardens, and a AAA baseball field, all within a very short distance from the pool. The ISF crew puts on a great meet and a great social. Last social I went to was at the NCAA Hall of Fame.
I think you'll find that the city has changed dramatically since the mid 80's. They have the NCAA Hall of Fame, a canal walk through the center of the city, good museums, small but nice zoo, botanical gardens, and a AAA baseball field, all within a very short distance from the pool. The ISF crew puts on a great meet and a great social. Last social I went to was at the NCAA Hall of Fame.