Who made the order of events for Fort Lauderdale Nationals?
Former Member
Who's bright idea was it to have the 1,000 free and the 500 free back to back with less than 24 hours rest?
John Smith
(1,000 and 500 free participant)
Self rationalization in a highly dysfuctional organization is apparent and always has been. The short answer is that individuals always look out for their personal best interests, on a conscious or subconscious level, to the detriment of the majority.
This is the classic example. The overt reason the 500's have recently become the first event is because no one sticks around when they are the last event to watch these swimmers. Hence, someone who probably swims the 500 and was bummed out that there were 2 people watching came up with this rotating format of placing the 500 first and making all other swimmers, the vast majority, miserable!
Consequently, in order to please the few ( 500 swimmers), the many suffer- all other swimmers! There is your answer!
Paul used a very low blow, insinuating that the Romanian factor is at work; let the Smith Speeders take this to the pool where it belongs...bets, anyone?
besides, you should only worry about pleasing breaststrokers at these meets...
as well, switch to meters while you're at it...hee hee
Actually, you're describing the person who started this thread, and not the volunteers who work hard to discuss all the options and come up with a reasonable order of events.
Originally posted by Whie Buffalo
Self rationalization in a highly dysfuctional organization is apparent and always has been. The short answer is that individuals always look out for their personal best interests, on a conscious or subconscious level, to the detriment of the majority.
This is the classic example. The overt reason the 500's have recently become the first event is because no one sticks around when they are the last event to watch these swimmers. Hence, someone who probably swims the 500 and was bummed out that there were 2 people watching came up with this rotating format of placing the 500 first and making all other swimmers, the vast majority, miserable!
Consequently, in order to please the few ( 500 swimmers), the many suffer- all other swimmers! There is your answer!
Originally posted by Paul Smith
By the way, as for pleasing of breaststrokers; we should only pity them as we all know they we're "born" with a gene to by gymasts but somehow got thrown in a pool and lost their way!
Well said. Maybe someday science will isolate the gene so we'll know what sends people over to the dark side.
Too true, Paul... the level of vituperation has let w-a-a-a-y down. As for your typical freestyler's perception of breastrokers (corrupted by your occasional butterflying) is of course sad: we breastrokers are sensualists who enjoy the journey rather than blink and (hey!) I'm finished at the end of a race.
Think about this, though. With the 500 free Friday a.m. there might actually be someone around who can count for you! Last year I was starting to worry they were going to ask me to turn out the natatorium lights on my way out :)
However, to borrow a quote from my Friend Sam Perry; John's all hat and no cattle!
Let me pipe in here. Yes I did say that, but John so you know, it was about Mr. Killeen and not you. I am sure you would agree with me in my summation of RK.
Good luck to all of you at nationals regardless of what you swim. Still recovering from surgery I hope to see some of you at Mission Viejo this summer!
Mr. Killeen and I may be "all hat and no cattle", but we do pride ourselves in an occasional all out egotistical 50 free. We prefer to swim on memory and ego (not yardage). Unlike the Evil Smith, who uses the 50 free as a "rest event" for his true events the 200 & 500.
The issue at stake here is simple. This year the 500 free voters got screwed by the non 500 free voters on the USMS Event Selection Committee. I prefer to think of myself as a blue state in this situation............. :) Life goes on. Bobby Patten and I will drudge through these two events back to back.............. I'll just make sure I do enough complaining for the both of us.
Note: Mr. Evil Smith on the other hand will be returning from a luxurious stay in Australia around the time of USMS Nationals. Unlike me he is aging up and creeping ever slowly toward 50.
John Smith :)
Truth be told Evil Smit is that based on the last time you swam the 1000 you have no credibitilty........as I recall you went out in 20.90 and warmed down for 950 yds?
So now your whining about having to swim "back to back" events? Given the mileage that your training partner (legendary ex Arden Hills/Cal distance ace Kirk Anderson) is putting you through and the altitude drop you really are All Hat!
PS: I know what's really at play here, trying to set up some kind of exit strategy to not pay yp on the bet with RJK & myself!