Who made the order of events for Fort Lauderdale Nationals?
Former Member
Who's bright idea was it to have the 1,000 free and the 500 free back to back with less than 24 hours rest?
John Smith
(1,000 and 500 free participant)
Nice response.... detailed..... I appreciate it, but, not a sufficient explanation as to exactly why the 500 free was picked to be sacraficed as opposed to another event. At the very least, the 500 if on the 1st day should have been moved to the end of the day to spread out more time for recovery.
We could go round and round on scenarios for orders, and as you have said the committee already examined many line ups. Unfortunately, this one was selected.
As for your suggestion that I volunteer for my local LMSC and ask to go to the convention .......... you can't use voluteerism as an excuse for a poor decision. A reply of "get involved more" doesn't explain what has already transpired.
My ongoing yearly fees to my local LMSC and committed participation at local and national meets is quite adequate support for Masters Swimming.
Nice response.... detailed..... I appreciate it, but, not a sufficient explanation as to exactly why the 500 free was picked to be sacraficed as opposed to another event. At the very least, the 500 if on the 1st day should have been moved to the end of the day to spread out more time for recovery.
We could go round and round on scenarios for orders, and as you have said the committee already examined many line ups. Unfortunately, this one was selected.
As for your suggestion that I volunteer for my local LMSC and ask to go to the convention .......... you can't use voluteerism as an excuse for a poor decision. A reply of "get involved more" doesn't explain what has already transpired.
My ongoing yearly fees to my local LMSC and committed participation at local and national meets is quite adequate support for Masters Swimming.