Indy check-in

Former Member
Former Member
Just making sure I have this right....I DO NOT need to get to the pool a day ahead to check-in after all? I am only swimming 50's, 100's and 200's.
  • Originally posted by dorothyrd Speaking of a timeline, will they post one? They did in Arizona, but anytime the power failed on deck, they fell behind schedule. :) If you have the patience, just wait for the heat sheets to come out. You take the slowest time in each heat, add about 20 seconds for between-heat stuff, and "presto", instant time-line. :D
  • Originally posted by dorothyrd Speaking of a timeline, will they post one? They did in Arizona, but anytime the power failed on deck, they fell behind schedule. :) If you have the patience, just wait for the heat sheets to come out. You take the slowest time in each heat, add about 20 seconds for between-heat stuff, and "presto", instant time-line. :D
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