Sunday events at SC nationals

Does anyone know about what time the last event usually is at Short Course Nationals? I went to Nationals for the first time last year but can't remember when we finished.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    National vary quiet a bit depending a large number of variables - number of swimmers, the events being conducted, if the evoke the 6th event rule, the efficiency of the starters, and the slowest swimmer in each heat. IUPUI has 2 x 25yd pools, so it should run quickly. They often publish a timeline when we get closer to the meet. Most SCY meets finish between 3-7pm each day.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    National vary quiet a bit depending a large number of variables - number of swimmers, the events being conducted, if the evoke the 6th event rule, the efficiency of the starters, and the slowest swimmer in each heat. IUPUI has 2 x 25yd pools, so it should run quickly. They often publish a timeline when we get closer to the meet. Most SCY meets finish between 3-7pm each day.
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