An Endless Pools Thank You

Former Member
Former Member
A big thanks to everyone who got a chance to try out the Endless Pool at the LCC's. In the end over 1/3 of the participants took a test swim and over 250 took home videos of their stroke. Your feedback and support was very valuable. We look forward to seeing you at the SCC's next year! Best, Endless Pools
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Warm Climate doesn't have to do with large backyards. You live in a cheap housing state like Michgian you usually have a large backyard than living in the bay area of California or the La-Orange area where houses are very expensive and a lot of folks live in condos. Anyway, in Arizona the older houses also in a warm climate tend to have bigger backlyards than the newer ones.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Warm Climate doesn't have to do with large backyards. You live in a cheap housing state like Michgian you usually have a large backyard than living in the bay area of California or the La-Orange area where houses are very expensive and a lot of folks live in condos. Anyway, in Arizona the older houses also in a warm climate tend to have bigger backlyards than the newer ones.
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