I went to a short course Nationals many years ago (Fort Lauderdale) in which swimmers were allowed to swim both the 1000 and 1650, on the same day. Why is it that distance swimmers must choose between their 2 best events while there are 9 events of 100 yards or less? Also, it seems that distance swimmers are always required to miss the most amount of work since the 1000/1650 are always first (Thursday). I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm not sure what the reasoning was for only allowing 1 distance event (outside of time). It seems as if they could be swum on different days as they are at USS Nationals or any USS meet for that matter. Just curious.
Blessed With No Speed
Let me say under the circumstances we got the best hotel rates available for the lead-time we were able to give the hotels. To those who forget, YMCA Indy SwimFit and Indianapolis bid for the Long Course National Championships in 2004 for August at the 2002 USAS Convention, but because USMS did not receive a bid for 2004 Short Course we yielded to Savannah and took SC. In any metropolitan city that has a major event which Indianapolis does with the 500 Mile race hotel space and rates are at premium the last week in April and May because of spectators, race teams and etc coming into the city a month and half prior to the race to test. This is also why we did not host the 2004 SC Championships in May when it is usually held. Additionally, our hotel rates and room blocks had to be renegotiated after our bid. I regret the person who feels he got "ripped off", but I too feel the same way when I go to various meets throughout the country and stay at hotels who quote one rate, then charge a visitors tax, a state tax, a local tax and a landing tax which makes the hotel rate in some cases 15-17% higher than the quoted rate. Before you throw stones look at your own state.
Mel Goldstein, Meet Director
2004 USMS SC Championships
What’s this have to do with swimming the 1000 and 1650 at nationals? Are you implying that some of us should be paying occupancy tax, because of our slow 1650 times?
And by the way congratulations on running an excellent meet!!! I’m sorry I missed it.
If someone really wants to swim both the 1000 and 1650, try YMCA Nationals which allows the same swimmer to swim both races on the first day of the meet. www.swiminfo.com/.../7154.asp is an article from swiminfo.com talking about the 5 swimmers who did(and won)the double.
Originally posted by beireland
If someone really wants to swim both the 1000 and 1650, try YMCA Nationals which allows the same swimmer to swim both races on the first day of the meet. www.swiminfo.com/.../7154.asp is an article from swiminfo.com talking about the 5 swimmers who did(and won)the double.
Take a look at the name mentioned in the title of the story and now look at the name of the person who started this topic. Obviously Mr. Erwin is a glutton for punishment!
Swim the 1650 as events 1 and 2, take everyone's 1000 splits and factor them into the results for events 3 and 4 (the 1000). You can choose to only enter the 1000 but you would need to be aware of how fast the swimmers in your age group were at the 1000 split if you were concerned about your place. No need for an extra day of competition but your 1650 would count as two events.
They should have the 1650 at the beginning of the meet and the 1000 at the end of nationals or vice versa. Plus, put some other events on the first day instead of all the long distance races. They did this all the time when I was an age group swimmer in the Regional Championship meets every year. This whole idea of having the 1000 and 1650 on the same day is ludicrous to me even though I don't swim those events that regularly.
Last summer, I stayed at a hotel in Brownsburg (Brownsboro, I cna never remember what the scity is called) west of Indy for the 2-mile outdoor swim at Eagle Creek. It was almost 1/2 less than the quoted rate for the hotel in Indy.
Also, isn't this a membership organization? The quickest way to lose members is to tell them what they can't have or do!!