Check out 9 nights of glory during the 1984 olympics. Help honor Bud's legacy by watching on Thursday January 20th at 7 PM. Features legendary swimmers Rowdy Gaines and John Moffett.
JAN. 25, 10 P.M. ET/JAN. 26, 7 P.M. ET -- 1996 ATLANTA
"Atlanta's Olympic Glory" featuring Michael Johnson, Carl Lewis, Steven Redgrave, Jeannie Longo and others.
Also showing my coach. Sadly, I missed it. I'm hoping they will replay again so I can see it.
JAN. 25, 10 P.M. ET/JAN. 26, 7 P.M. ET -- 1996 ATLANTA
"Atlanta's Olympic Glory" featuring Michael Johnson, Carl Lewis, Steven Redgrave, Jeannie Longo and others.
Also showing my coach. Sadly, I missed it. I'm hoping they will replay again so I can see it.