Pacific Masters SCY Championships

The Pacific Masters Swimming 2002 Short Course Yards Championships will be held at the University of California Santa Cruz April 12, 13, and 14. The postmark deadline is March 30 and must arrive no later than April 3rd. Santa Cruz is a beautiful scenic town on the California coast just north of Montery and about 70 miles south of San Francisco. There are many reasonably priced hotels near the pool. There are also many unreasonably priced hotels there also. The meet sheet is at There are many Pacific Masters swimmers who are in New Zealand competing at the FINA World Masters Champioships, so it might be the year to sneak a medal. (It the Championships have less than 700 swimmers entered, it will be considered a small championship) :D Pacific Masters (Former center of Masters Racing) :p
  • Pacific Masters Swimming held its Short Course Yards Championships last weekend, April 12,13,and 14 on the campus of the University of California Santa Cruz. This is the largest short course yards meet held west of the Charles River. The meet was blessed with great weather. 823 swimmers competed and the meet recorded 3214 splashes with 314 relay entries. Swimmers from 50 teams competed for the team high point awards. Thirteen National Records were broken. Laura Val after aging up for long course last year, aged up for short course this year and continues her assault on the womens 50-54 swimming records. In the 1650 Free on Friday she got a twofer. She broke the 1000 yard record on the way out to breaking the 1650. She also broke the standards in the 50 back, 100 back and 100 free. Other National records were broken Alan Cartwright 60-64(400 IM and 200 fly), Jae Howell (200 ***), Lee Rider 45-49 (50 ***), Bob Strand 55-59 (50 ***), Margery Sharp 85-89 (500 Fr), WCM 65+ (400 Mixed Free Relay), WCM 55+ (400 Medley Relay). University of San Francisco Masters won its tenth straight Large team short course yards title. The team winners include: Large Team 1. USF 2. Walnut Creek Masters 3. San Mateo Master Marlins Medium Team 1. Menlo Masters 2. Manatee Aquatic Masters 3. Burlingame Masters Watersports Small Team 1. The Olympic Club 2. Rolling Hills Mud Sharks 3. Rinconada Masters During a break on Sunday, Pacific recognized Laura Val and Robert Strand as 2001 Pacific Masters Swimmers of the Year. Laura won it for her awesome swimming during 2001 meters season, setting the world standard in 13 Long Course events and eight short course meters events (women 50-54). Bob Strand set the world standard in all the men's 55-59 Breaststroke events SCY, LCM and SCM. Thanks to Meet director Joel Wilson, Meet Operations Paul Wrangell, Meet Referee Bud Meyer (also known as Debbie's dad) and the entire Santa Cruz Masters for putting on the meet. michael pacific masters swimming still the "1" :cool:
  • Pacific Masters Swimming held its Short Course Yards Championships last weekend, April 12,13,and 14 on the campus of the University of California Santa Cruz. This is the largest short course yards meet held west of the Charles River. The meet was blessed with great weather. 823 swimmers competed and the meet recorded 3214 splashes with 314 relay entries. Swimmers from 50 teams competed for the team high point awards. Thirteen National Records were broken. Laura Val after aging up for long course last year, aged up for short course this year and continues her assault on the womens 50-54 swimming records. In the 1650 Free on Friday she got a twofer. She broke the 1000 yard record on the way out to breaking the 1650. She also broke the standards in the 50 back, 100 back and 100 free. Other National records were broken Alan Cartwright 60-64(400 IM and 200 fly), Jae Howell (200 ***), Lee Rider 45-49 (50 ***), Bob Strand 55-59 (50 ***), Margery Sharp 85-89 (500 Fr), WCM 65+ (400 Mixed Free Relay), WCM 55+ (400 Medley Relay). University of San Francisco Masters won its tenth straight Large team short course yards title. The team winners include: Large Team 1. USF 2. Walnut Creek Masters 3. San Mateo Master Marlins Medium Team 1. Menlo Masters 2. Manatee Aquatic Masters 3. Burlingame Masters Watersports Small Team 1. The Olympic Club 2. Rolling Hills Mud Sharks 3. Rinconada Masters During a break on Sunday, Pacific recognized Laura Val and Robert Strand as 2001 Pacific Masters Swimmers of the Year. Laura won it for her awesome swimming during 2001 meters season, setting the world standard in 13 Long Course events and eight short course meters events (women 50-54). Bob Strand set the world standard in all the men's 55-59 Breaststroke events SCY, LCM and SCM. Thanks to Meet director Joel Wilson, Meet Operations Paul Wrangell, Meet Referee Bud Meyer (also known as Debbie's dad) and the entire Santa Cruz Masters for putting on the meet. michael pacific masters swimming still the "1" :cool:
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